Happy Holidays everybody! Well the fishing has not let up. Those who choose to sailfish can still expect to see between 4 and 8 fish a day… not bad. The King Mackerals and Cero Mackerals have been ravenous. We have been mostly fishing fades in 125′ of water lately and the bait has been stacked up pretty good so the fish have had no reason to leave. Still using cigar minnows and ballyhoo, we have also started to use Speedo’s which are similar to a Boston mackerel. The Speedo’s are a great bottom bait as well as surface bait. The Smoker Mack’s have been crushing them almost as soon as they hit the water.

On the bottom the Speedo’s found a 25lb Black Grouper and some nice Mutton snappers, which are mighty tasty I might add. Most of last week and into the weekend the wind was awful so it made fishing pretty tough, we managed but it was rough!

However, Monday and Tuesday have been perfect light winds and 84 degrees. So to the deep there have been some Swords caught as well as Blackfin tunas and a few Dolphins. Yes all during the day the swords were 110lb and 85lbs, heard of one that was about 300lb!! The bait of choice for the swords is small Spanish mackerels or a Speedo and even a live Bluerunner!!

Tight Lines, Captain John Oughton – THAT’S RIGHT sword300

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