The crew of “That’s Right” is safe and sound back in Islamorada to join “Pretty Work” for the winter season.

Capt John Reports:
“That’s Right” back home in Islamorada with the rest of the fleet. We enjoyed a rather miserable trip down, weather was horrible but we managed and arrived safe and sound. After a few days of R&R we decided to take my wife Andrea and a few friends out for a few hours. Mind you it has been raining here for 6 days straight and today was perfect. Kids got dropped off at school and off we went.

Not expecting a whole lot, do to all the rain and wind. However we did enjoy the sun shine and flat seas! Bait was pretty tough, dirty water and no current, so we crept out to the reef edge and managed to put together a nice catch of fat snappers, which made for a great dinner! A fellow Capt. did manage to catch a few ballyhoos which he was kind enough to give us a dozen. We managed to find a little color change in 100’ of water, which looked ok so out they went. We were there 10 minutes and watched one come up about ¼ mile behind us, so we slipped back down to him and he ate like a champ!! My wife was a happy young lady.

We are looking forward to some good fishing over the next few weeks. There is plenty to catch and hopefully the weather stays sunny and warm.

J & A Charters Sail Fishing on "Pretty Work"

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