Live offshore fishing report 7-5 dolphin

Slow day today with a east wind. Just a couple of bites. We picked up 1 yellowfin and a nice dolphin
Live offshore fishing report 7-5 dolphin
6:36:15 AM


Starting same area 77 clean green water. Catch a Yellowfin so far. Not marking like yesterday yet
Speed: 7.56 mph
Course: N

Lat: N 37°41’46.7268″
Lon: W 74°53’10.8708″

Live offshore fishing report 7-5

9:04:30 AM


Really slow one Yellowfin. We have picked up and headed offshore be fishing again in an hour
Speed: 25.16 mph
Course: SE

Lat: N 37°40’58.1340″
Lon: W 74°51’07.4268

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